ADC Window Driver

Driver for window ADC functionality.

Revision History

  • v0.0.0.1 Initial Commit

The ADC Window driver provides window functionality for using the ADC. The driver has the following features:
  • The driver provides both single shot and continous/triggered conversions

  • Both windowed and non-windowed operation of the ADC is possible

  • If the ADC hardware supports using multiple resolutions, the conversion is done using the resolution specified by the user in START.

The ADC Window driver has two modes of operation:
  • Polled mode

  • Interrupt mode

The driver can also use both modes in the same application, e.g.
  • The ADC can normally be triggered by an external source, executing an ISR if the conversion result is inside/outside a specified window

  • The user can halt this auto-triggered mode, and perform a manual conversion on a specified channel, and restarting the auto-triggered mode when the manually triggered conversion is done.

Polled mode

In the Polled Mode, the application code explicitly starts a conversion on a specified channel, waits for the conversion to complete, and reads back the result. The result can be either as a conversion value or as a boolean inside/outside window, depending on the configuration.

Interrupt mode

In the Interrupt Mode, the application code or auto trigger source explicitly starts a conversion on a specified channel. When the conversion is done:
  • the ADC Conversion Done ISR is executed if enabled

  • the ADC Window ISR is executed if enabled and the conversion result meets the window criteria .

The user can hookup a callbacks to these ISRs, specifying any actions to be performed by the ISR, such as reading the result, performing arithmetic on it, and storing it to a buffer. To generate code for including callback handler(s), tick the "Include harness for IRQ on conversion complete"- box and/or the "Include harness for IRQ on conversion satisfying window criteria" in START.

Functional Description

A manually triggered ADC conversion is started by calling <component_name>_start_conversion(adc_channel_t channel). A conversion will then be started in the ADC, and the result will be ready after a number of clock cycles. The function <component_name>_is_conversion_done() is used to poll if the result is ready. When the result is ready, it can be read using <component_name>_get_conversion_result(). The function <component_name>_get_conversion(adc_channel_t channel) combines all these operations into a single function: Start conversion, wait, and read result.

ADC conversion results are returned as datatype adc_result_t, which has 16 bits. The data is right-adjusted, and the number of bits used is dependent on the resolution of the ADC, or the chosen resolution if the ADC supports multiple resolutions. The function <component_name>_get_resolution() returns the number of bits in the result, and can be used to adjust or scale the result if needed.

THe ADC can be configured to trigger conversions automatically, typically by an event from the event system. This auto-triggering is enabled/disabled by <component_name>_enable_autotrigger() and <component_name>_disable_autotrigger(). The functions:

  • <component_name>_set_window_high(adc_result_t high);

  • <component_name>_set_window_low(adc_result_t low);

  • <component_name>_set_window_mode(adc_window_mode_t mode);

  • <component_name>_set_window_channel(adc_channel_t channel);

are used to configure windowing mode.

If the applicatin wishes to mix auto- and manual triggering, <component_name>_disable_autotrigger() should be called before any manually triggered operation, e.g. by <component_name>_get_conversion(). Thereafter, <component_name>_set_window_channel() and <component_name>_enable_autotrigger() can be called to resume auto-triggered operation. Depending on the interrupt configuration done in START, the manually triggered conversion may trigger a Conversion Done interrupt.

Hardware Dependencies

The ADC Window driver needs ADC hardware to perform conversions. When the user has selected a device and added an ADC component, the Driver field in the Component Settings pane in START will let the user select which timer driver to use, select Drivers:ADC:Window to use the ADC Window driver.

The Configuration Pane in START will display options that are dependent on the hardware used to implement the ADC driver. For example, an option may allow changing the number of result bits or clock prescaling used to drive the underlying ADC hardware.

Software Dependencies

The ADC Window may be configured to use use the interrupt functionality of the underlying ADC. Make sure that global interrupts are enabled (using sei()) and that the Interrupt Controller, if present, is configured so that the ADC interrupt is serviced correctly.

Code example

          #include <atmel_start.h>
          #include <atomic.h>
          volatile bool complete_isr_executed = false;
          volatile bool window_isr_executed = false;
          volatile adc_result_t measurement;
          volatile uint8_t measurement_normalized;
          void adc_complete_handler_cb(void){
              measurement = ADC_0_get_conversion_result();
              measurement_normalized = measurement>>(ADC_0_get_resolution()-8);
              complete_isr_executed = true;
          void adc_window_handler_cb(void){
              window_isr_executed = true;
          int main(void)
              /* Initializes MCU, drivers and middleware */
              // Test manually triggered mode
              // Disable auto-triggering if it is enabled
              // Disable window_mode if it is enabled
              // Get conversion from ADC CH0
              measurement = ADC_0_get_conversion(0);
              // Get 8 MSB of conversion result
              measurement_normalized = measurement>>(ADC_0_get_resolution()-8);
              // Test auto-triggered mode
              // Enable window_mode
              // Setup ADC channel 3 to be used for auto-triggered conversions
              // Enable auto-triggering
              // Wait for ISR to be execued
              while (!ADC_0_complete_isr_executed);
              while (1);