NVMCTRL Basic Driver

Driver for basic NVM functionality.

Revision History

  • v0.0.0.1 Initial Commit

The NVMCTRL Basic driver provides basic NVM programming functionality, that is:
  • Read and write to EEPROM

  • Read and write to Flash

The NVMCTRL Basic driver has two modes of operation:
  • Blocking (polled) writing to EEPROM

  • Non-blocking (interrupt-driven) writing to EEPROM

NVMCTRL Basic functions writing to flash are always blocking: Program execution waits until write has completed, regardless of writing to the read-while-write section or the non-read-while-write section.

Driver Configuration

The NVMCTRL Basic driver is configured using START. The user can choose from the two modes of EEPROM operation (polled/IRQ). START also allows the user to select other device-dependent features such as setting Boot Lock bits etc.

START allows the user to select whether or not to place Flash functions in a separate segment. Some devices (e.g. Mega328PB) require the Flash write functions to be located in a section separate from the section being written. For these devices, the Flash write function should be located in the Boot Loader Section (BLS), while the data being programmed should be in the Application Section. By placing flash write functions in a separate segment, it is easy to locate this segment in the BLS. The size of the BLS is device-dependent, and can often be controlled by fuses (typically called BOOTSZ), see the device datasheet.

By ticking the "Place Flash Functions in Separate Segment" check box in START, all Flash write functions are placed in a segment called:

  • For the GCC compiler: .bootloader

  • For the IAR compiler: BOOTLOADER_SEGMENT

For the GCC compiler, the segment must be given a location in the linker file or Toolchain->AVR/GNU Linker->Memory Settings in STUDIO. Example: For a device with 32kb flash and 512 bytes BLS, write .bootloader=0x3f00* in the FLASH segment box in Memory Settings in STUDIO.

For the IAR compiler, the segment must be described in the linker file. Example: For a device with 32kb flash and 512 bytes BLS, add -Z(CODE)BOOTLOADER_SEGMENT=7e00-7FFF* to the linker file

Functional Description

Blocking/Polled EEPROM write

In this mode, EEPROM writes of a byte or a block is performed in a blocking way, the write function does not return until all bytes have been written.

Non-blocking/IRQ-driven EEPROM write

In this mode, EEPROM writes of a byte or a block are performed by an ISR. The ISR is called whenever the EEPROM is ready for another EEPROM write. The EEPROM byte or block write function returns immediately after setting up the data structures necessary for controlling the ISR. The application can then proceed to do other things (or go to sleep) while the EEPROM write is being performed. A polling function <component_name>_is_EEPROM_ready() is provided to check when the EEPROM write has completed.

If an EEPROM write-function is called before the previous EEPROM write-function has completed, the newest EEPROM write function will block until the previous write has completed.

If an EEPROM read-function is called before the previous EEPROM write-function has completed, the EEPROM read function will block until the previous write has completed.

If the driver is configured to be Non-blocking, a function <component_name>_register_callback() is provided. This function allows registering a callback function to be called when all EEPROM writes triggered by a call to an EEPROM write command have completed.

Flash write

All Flash write functions are blocking: They don't return until the operation has completed. All Flash read and write functions address the Flash using byte addresses.

There may be device-dependent limitations on where the Flash write functions may be located in Flash, see Driver Configuration(group__doc__driver__nvmctrl__basic_1doc_driver_nvmctrl_basic_configuration) . In most devices, reading the Flash while it is being programmed will cause instruction execution to freeze until the write has completed. This will impact interrupt resonse time during Flash programming to the Application Section, since the interrupt vectors are located in the Application Section.

Most flash write functions have an input parameter uint8_t *ram_buffer. This is a pointer to a buffer in RAM that must be at least as large as a Flash page. This buffer is used when doing read-modify-write operations on flash: One Flash page is read from Flash into this buffer, then the buffer is modified as desired, before the Flash page is erased and written with the contents of the buffer. In some devices such as Tiny817 the Flash page buffer is memory mapped. In the NVMCTRL Basic driver for these devices, the ram_buffer parameter is unused, but kept for API compatibility with other devices. When calling the Flash write functions for these devices, the ram_buffer parameter is unused by the functions and NULL can be passed as argument when calling them.

A streaming flash write function is included, intended to be used in devices where a lot of data is to be written contiguously to flash, and:

  • RAM resources are too limited to afford a buffer needed by the write and erase page functions

  • performance needs and code size concerns leaves the byte write and block write functions too expensive

Hardware Dependencies

The NVMCTRL Basic driver uses the NVM controller hardware available on all AVR devices. The driver does not use any I/O pins.

The configuration options in START displays options that are dependent on the hardware used to implement the NVMCTRL driver. For example, an option may allow setting the Boot Lock Bit inhibiting writes to the BLS.

Software Dependencies

The interrupt-driven configuration use the interrupt functionality of the underlying NVMCTRL hardware. Make sure that global interrupts are enabled (using sei()) and that the Interrupt Controller, if present, is configured so that any interrupts are serviced correctly.

Code example

          #include <atmel_start.h>
          uint8_t rambuf[PROGMEM_PAGE_SIZE];
          uint8_t wdata[]={0, 1, 2, 3};
          uint8_t rdata[4];
          volatile nvmctrl_status_t status;
          volatile uint8_t rb;
          void error()
          int main(void)
              uint8_t i;
              /* Initializes MCU, drivers and middleware */
              //  Test EEPROM write, assume driver configured to be blocking 
              FLASH_0_write_eeprom_byte(0, wdata[1]);
              rdata[1] = FLASH_0_read_eeprom_byte(0);
              if (rdata[1] != wdata[1])
              // Test flash write
              for (i=0;i<2*PROGMEM_PAGE_SIZE;i++)
              // Initialize two pages in flash, starting at address 2048-ONE_PAGE.
              // Initialize them by writing one byte at a time, this is inefficient 
              // but done to demonstrate usse of the bytewise write function.
              status = FLASH_0_write_flash_byte(2048-PROGMEM_PAGE_SIZE+i, rambuf, i);
              rb = FLASH_0_read_flash_byte(2048-PROGMEM_PAGE_SIZE);
              if (rb != 0) error();
              rb = FLASH_0_read_flash_byte(2048);
              if (rb != PROGMEM_PAGE_SIZE) error();
              // Write 4 bytes overlapping two pages
              FLASH_0_write_flash_block(2048-2, wdata, 4, rambuf);
              // Check that only the 4 bytes were altered
              rb = FLASH_0_read_flash_byte(2048-PROGMEM_PAGE_SIZE);
              if (rb != 0) error();
              rb = FLASH_0_read_flash_byte(2048-2);
              if (rb != wdata[0]) error();
              rb = FLASH_0_read_flash_byte(2048-1);
              if (rb != wdata[1]) error();
              rb = FLASH_0_read_flash_byte(2048);
              if (rb != wdata[2]) error();
              rb = FLASH_0_read_flash_byte(2048+1);
              if (rb != wdata[3]) error();
              /* Replace with your application code */
              while (1) {