Programming problems

Problem Cause Solution
ISP programming does not work ISP cable is not connected Connect a 6-pin cable between the ISP6PIN connector on STK500 and the ISP connector on STK503 on the selected target section. See also #GUID-39D75067-8251-4740-BA99-CDE769931D88.
The AVR is running at too low clock frequency Make sure the clock switch on STK503 is in the right position. In the Board page of the programming dialog in AVR Studio, try reducing the clock frequency so less or equal to the frequency the AVR is running at.
The SPI enable fuse is not programmed Program the SPI enable fuse using high voltage programming.
The Reset Disable fuse is programmed Unprogram the Reset Disable fuse using high voltage programming.
The DebugWire fuse is programmed Unprogram the DebugWire fuse using high voltage programming.
High-Voltage programming does not work The 10-pin cables are not connected correctly See Programming the AVR for setup.
The (BSEL2), OSCSEL, RESET and VTARGET jumpers on STK500 are not set correctly
The STK503 clock switch is in the wrong position Set the switch to theSTK500 position. See also Programming the AVR.