Touch Sensor Panels

The touch sensor panels are passive PCB’s, which contains the touch sensors that connects to the touch acquisition channels on the Touch MCU boards. The touch sensors are available on a standardized card-edge connector and the board is connected to the Touch MCU board using a flex cable delivered with the kit.

See schematics for the QT600 MCU boards:

The card-edge connector has a standardized numbering fro the touch sensors, with touch channel 0 starting on card-edge connector pin2, touch channel 1 on pin 4, and so forth. For QTouch tm technology the sensor board will not require any components, while for QMatrix tm must have resistors between the X and Y lines connected to the sensors. To create a new custom touch sensor board that can connect to any of the existing QT600 MCU boards, add the card-edge connector and connect the sensors according to the above mentioned numbering scheme.