
The TCC can generate the following output events: Writing a '1' ('0') to an Event Output bit in the Event Control Register (EVCTRL.xxEO) enables (disables) the corresponding output event. Refer also to EVSYS – Event System.
The TCC can take the following actions on a channel input event (MCx):
The TCC can take the following actions on counter Event 1 (TCCx EV1):
The TCC can take the following actions on counter Event 0 (TCCx EV0):

The counter Event Actions are available in the Event Control registers (EVCTRL.EVACT0 and EVCTRL.EVACT1). For further details, refer to EVCTRL.

Writing a '1' ('0') to an Event Input bit in the Event Control register (EVCTRL.MCEIx or EVCTRL.TCEIx) enables (disables) the corresponding action on input event.

Note: When several events are connected to the TCC, the enabled action will apply for each of the incoming events. Refer to EVSYS – Event System for details on how to configure the event system.