Interrupt Control

0x02 [ID-000004d0]

Bit 7 – RXCIE: Receive Complete Interrupt Enable

Receive Complete Interrupt Enable

In buffer mode this bit enables the receive complete interrupt. The enabled interrupt will be triggered when the RXCIF flag in the INTFLAG register is set. In non-buffer mode this bit is zero.

Bit 6 – TXCIE: Transfer Complete Interrupt Enable

Transfer Complete Interrupt Enable

In buffer mode this bit enables the transfer complete interrupt. The enabled interrupt will be triggered when the TXCIF flag in the INTFLAG register is set. In non-buffer mode this bit is zero.

Bit 5 – DREIE: Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable

Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable

In buffer mode this bit enables the data register empty interrupt. The enabled interrupt will be triggered when the DREIF flag in the INTFLAG register is set. In non-buffer mode this bit is zero.

Bit 4 – SSIE: Slave Select Trigger Interrupt Enable

Slave Select Trigger Interrupt Enable

In buffer mode this bit enables the Slave Select interrupt. The enabled interrupt will be triggered when the SSIF flag in the INTFLAG register is set. In non-buffer mode this bit is zero.

Bit 0 – IE: Interrupt Enable

Interrupt Enable

This bit enables the SPI interrupt when the SPI is not in buffer mode. The enabled interrupt will be triggered when RXCIF/IF is set in the INTFLAG register.