Troublshooting Guide

Table 1. Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Reason Solution
Nothing is displayed on the LCD. The LCD is not connected. Attach the 34-pins cable between the to 34-pins headers on the STK502.
The LCD is not enabled in the AVR device. Check the LCD initialisation 1
The update frequency is not correct. Verify that the clock prescaling correspond with the clock source1.
Some segments on the LCD seems to be stuck at high/low. The PORTA/C/D and/or G are connected to something else than the LCD display. Check that nothing is connected to these PORTS on the STK500 and STK502.
Can’t control PORTF[1:0] PF[1:0] is not connected to the ATmega169. Set the PF[1:0] switch in the PIN-position.
Serial Programming does not work ISP cable not connected. Connect the ISP cable according to Figure 1.
STK500 target voltage error. Refer to the ATmega169 datasheet for the Serial Programming Voltage limits. Adjust the target voltage on the STK500 board accordingly.
The RSTDISBL Fuse is programmed. Use Parallel Programming to unprogram the RSTDISBL Fuse.
Parallel Programming does not work. Cables not connected properly. Refer to Figure 1 for correct Parallel Programming setup.
STK500 target voltage error. Refer to the ATmega169 data sheet for the Parallel Programming Voltage limits. Adjust the target voltage on the STK500 board accordingly.
The TOSC switch is not correctly set. Set the TOSC switch in the XTAL-position.
No programming works. The RESET-signal is not connected to the ATmega169. Connect PG5 and RST with a jumper. See RST.

See the application note "AVR065: LCD Driver for the STK502 LCD" on how to control the LCD-display or the the application note "AVR064: STK502 – A Temperature Monitoring System with LCD Output".