Configuration Settings Summary

Examples of how to set configuration bits in code for different language tools and related devices are shown below. For more information on how to set configuration bits, see your language tool documentation. For some language tools, a configurations settings document is available listing all configuration settings for a device. Otherwise, consult your device header file for macros.

Another option is to use the Configuration Memory window to set bits and then click “Generate Source Code to Output.” See Set Configuration Values in the Configuration Bits Window.

The MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) for 8- and 16-bit devices and MPLAB Harmony for 32-bit devices are tools that can be used to generate configuration bits, as well as project code. See the Microchip website for more information on these tools.

Current Toolchains: AVR and Arm GCC compilers, MPLAB XC C compilers and MPASM assembler.

Legacy Toolchains: HI-TECH PICC and PICC18 compilers, MPLAB C18 compiler, ASM30 assembler, as well as MPLAB C30 and MPLAB C32 compilers.