Use IDE Scripting

MPLAB X IDE provides scripting capabilities to control the IDE behavior programmatically. Allow developed for use with Microchip MPU projects, scripts may be used with MCU projects as well.

About the Scripts

The scripts are written in Jython. The scripts have access to an API that allows you to:

Using the Scripts

To gain access to the scripting features, follow the steps below.

  1. 1.Close the project that will use the scripts.
  2. 2.Create a file named A self-documenting that explains the APIs is available under <MPLAB X IDE Install folder>\docs\example_code.
  3. 3.Copy the file into your project directory. Edit the file here as necessary.
  4. 4.Re-open the project and you will see a “Script Files” folder in the project tree. The file will be under this folder.
  5. 5.Run the scripts under “Tests” as needed.
Figure 1. Unedited in Project