Advanced Tasks & Concepts

The following topics discuss how to perform more advanced tasks and detail some useful concepts.

Table 1. Understanding Advanced Tasks and Concepts

Speed Things Up

  1. 1.Speed Up MPLAB X IDE if the IDE is operating too slowly.
  2. 2.Speed Up Build Times in MPLAB X IDE by using parallel make.

Work with Projects

  1. 1.Work with Multiple Projects when developing a complex application.
  2. 2.Work with Multiple Configurations to allow selection of different project properties for use with the same project code.
  3. 3.Create Dual Core Projects to work with dsPIC33CH dual core devices.
  4. 4.Create User Makefile Projects to use external makefiles in MPLAB X IDE.
  5. 5.Used Linked Resources for Source File Folders to change project source bases or library versions (MPLAB Harmony).
  6. 6.Work with Third Party Tools in an MPLAB X IDE project.
  7. 7.Use Code Coverage to test the percentage of code executed.
  8. 8.Log Data to capture execution and debug problems.
  9. 9.Package an MPLAB X IDE Project to zip up the files in a project.
  10. 10.Hardware tool connections to the target can sometimes determine debug capabilities. See Hardware Tool Connections and Debugging.


  1. 1.What are Checksums.
  2. 2.Different kinds of Configurations.